The picture above illustrates the #1 reason to buy my product! Sure, you can put all of your info on any old USB…..BUT…..in an emergency….
911USB is the only product that is immediately recognized.
We try to anticipate questions that you might have about our 911USB products & services and provide the answers here. If you need additional information send an email to admin@911USB.net.
How much information will a 4 GB USB hold?
That depends on what you have copied onto it! If you simply fill in the templates with your medical information, you can store thousands of pages of typed information. However, CT scans and high resolution images do take up more space. I have several years worth of CT scans, MRI’s stored on my 4gb usb and I have plenty of space for 3 additional family members!
What FREE Templates will be included when I get my 911USB?
Many people just like writing stuff down! You can print out the forms and fill them in as you wish to help organize your records.
As a courtesy we have included these templates:
- Medical History
- Medication List
- Food and Drug Allergies
- Emergency Contacts
- Doctors / Insurance / Pharmacy contact
- DNR forms & medical directives
- Religious requests / Treatment restrictions
We suggest that you search the internet for any forms that you don’t see here. The templates are in PDF,Word or Excel formats.
Be aware that some states have their own formatted forms to use for specific treatment or legal medical directives. Hard copies of some legal forms are still required, so always keep paper copies of everything that you store on the USB.
Is this Compliant with HIPPA Privacy laws?
Many people are unaware that any time you undergo lab tests, xrays, or are admitted to the hospital you can request a copy of your tests/ lab results. These are your medical records and you can obtain them by simply requesting them! Hospitals typically have a form that you have to fill out that indicates exactly what reports you want. My doctor always prints a copy of my labs / xrays to take with me when I visit the office. Once you get hard copies of your records, what you do with them is your business. It’s really no different than carrying around a stack of notebooks with your medical records, except that 911USB allows you to condense & organize the info onto a usb device that fits in your wallet & is easy to carry with you at all times.
Is my information safe and secure?
It is as safe as your wallet or car keys! If you tend to lose either one on a regular basis, then we suggest that you buy TWO! Seriously though, YOU decide what information you want stored on the device. We do not provide encryption software for your files because in many emergency situations, you may not be conscious If any of your records have your personal information (other than your name) you can easily mark through that info before you scan. The decisions are totally up to you. 911USB is simply providing you a tool to organize your medical records and emergency contact information. If you are using 911USB to store copies of personal documents & home inventory information for use in the event of an emergency, we suggest that you secure your USB offsite in a safe deposit box or alternate location away from your home.
How do I get a list of presciption medications & medical records?
Walgreens and CVS & most major pharmacies will print your prescription medication lists for you. Your doctors office can also provide hard copies of lab reports & test results if you request them. You can also get your Hospital records by requesting that those be sent to you. (some facilities may charge for this service). If you already have a medical directive, that document can also be scanned onto the device. Records from online patient portals can be saved directly onto the USB from any computer. (see the “how to video” tab for additional instructions. Whatever documents you scan, keep the paper copies in a secure place as a back up.
I don’t have a computer, where can I get my records scanned?
I would ask a family member to help you. For large amounts of records, a copier with a scanner works best. If you only want to keep a few pages of info, take a cell phone picture of each page and then email them to a friend / family member to put onto your 911USB.
You can also take hard copies to most office supply stores and use their self service copiers to scan directly to your 911USB. Many schools & business copiers have the ability to scan documents to a USB as well.
TIP: If you have alot of info to scan, remember to seperate the items by type and/or date and scan 1 at a time i.e. ( January blood work, Februray blood work) so that you have seperate documents that you can place in your folders. If you place a stack of assorted documents on the copier and scan them all together, you will not be able to seperate the scanned items without ALOT of extra work! By taking a minute to scan each item seperately, you will be able to more easily sort / rename and organize your records efficiently.
In the near future, local insurance agents & hospital medical records departments will be familiar with the product & may be able to scan & load your files for a nominal fee. Many local libraries also have computers that the public can use.
Do you have a back up of my records in case my 911USB is lost or damaged?
NO! This is your info kept only on your 911USB. We suggest that you always keep the paper copies of your records as a back up in case you ever lose your 911USB.
We do have customers who also keep a back up on their home computer and/or a family members computer as well.
Are these things durable? What’s the warranty?
We use high quality USB devices that are durable under “normal circumstances.” We guarantee that the product will be free from defects upon delivery. Within 30 days, you may return any defective 911USB device for a full refund or replacement. They are not intended for rigorous daily use and/or exposure to excessive temperatures, moisture, dirt, children, dogs! Yet another reason to buy 2 and keep one as a back up! The credit card style units come with a clear protective sleeve.
Liability in the event of damage or loss
By purchasing a 911USB, the buyer understands that the unit is sold as a personal medical records management tool. The buyer determines what information is stored on the device. Other than providing a blank useable product at the time of delivery, 911USB has no responsibility or liability for its use/misuse/damage or loss. We recommend that it be used as an additional source of medical records and that a hard copy of all records contained on the device be kept in a secure location as well.